Peter Cowell Garden Design is run by Garden Designers Peter Cowell & Monty Richardson.

We met in 2003 while studying for our degrees in garden design followed by successfully running our design/build company Living Gardens for 10 years.

To date, we have physically created hundreds of gardens from our own design creations. We became trusted builders for a handful of other designers throughout the North West.

We have won numerous medals for our award winning show gardens, from RHS Hampton Court, Gardeners World Live & Bloom in Ireland. Placing Gold on many occasions - which is one of the greatest feelings of achievement we could hope for.

However in 2018 we decided it was time to concentrate souly on design, where our passion truly lies. Wether thats building show gardens, or designing your garden, we are as enthusiastic as ever about helping you to realise your garden’s potential.

Peter Cowell Garden Design

Peter - Designed Differently…

Gardens and designing is not a path I fell into, more a path I chose to walk.  The fond memories of my late father are nestled around a green house and small office he built me in our family home during my late teens.  It was here I began to master my craft.  From outdoor pursuits as a child, to attending agricultural college, the outdoors have always been where I feel best at home. 

They often say Dyslexia opens up a way to see the world in a way others just couldn’t imagine.  And I agree – It’s allowed me to develop, harness and capture life in a way like no one else.  Both professionally and personally -

As the diary so rapidly fills with appointments and meetings – I have a wonderful and constant reassurance that there’s a home waiting for me outside the studio doors.

  From the banks of Fiji, to a whimsical barn wedding in Scorton (on the same land my family were gamekeepers and farmers) I find pride in knowing my wife Hannah will be an ever constant support.

And what free time we get sees us enjoying Lancashire the fullest – we have some of the best restaurants and walks here.  We’ve done backpacking, camping and the like, and while we still enjoy these things, there’s very few places you’ll find us happier than onboard a cruise ship, traveling the world one port at a time.  

There’s also days of a fine Sunday roast and a box set and seeing my niece and nephew.  Uncle Pete can be heard echoing through the halls of most family homes.  A badge I wear with pride!



    Director / Office & Finance

    This business is a real passion of mine. I have been in the industry for two decades and my life has been (and continues to be) all things horticulture and business. I don’t like Ill ever stop learning new things from either.

    Last year Peter and I designed and built a new garden for me and my family. Featuring veg patches, muddy-kitchen area for our son, and the piece de resistance is our amazing pizza bar where we can be found making homemade pizzas in our Ooni pizza oven. Cooked pizza in under 60 seconds… yes please!

    When the weather is good we love to explore. Be it up a mountain or out in the local woods - its the great outdoors for us!


    Soft Landscaping & Planting

    Claire Kenyon is an expert in her field with extensive plant knowledge and a keen eye for detail, putting the finishing touches to all our gardens.

    Having worked with Claire for several years now we’ve built a great relationship and we love the way Claire gets things done, working in a collaborative way the client and our selves to ensure that you feel part of your new garden.


    Render Partner

    Our UK-based independent render partner, Jack Taylor works from Nottingham, and specialises in the creation of 3D computer-generated images and animations of design proposals for garden designers.

    He has been working with PCGD

    as a 3D visualiser for the past several projects and now regally collaborate on a new designs.

    This professional relationship allows for the

    creation of highly accurate and detailed renders within a short lead of time. jack has created a range of renders for PCGD from small courtyard gardens to large commercial developments.